Research call 2024

AIRG-Belgium, patient advocacy group dedicated to the information and research on genetic kidney diseases, is launching a 2024 research call.

The subject is : « Research on Genetic Kidney Diseases ».

Reference : « AIRG-Belgium 2024 ».

The research’project may concern :

  • Advances in understanding the genetic background or the physiopathology of one renal disease
  • Advances in the treatment of a genetic renal disease
  • New epidemiological data regarding one or several genetic renal disease(s)
  • A humanization project in the field of dialysis, transplantation, genetics or nephrology
  • A research on the social and family impacts of a genetic renal disease

The research call is aimed at : 

  • A MD, a PHD or a fellow implicated in a research work either fundamental, clinical, or epidemiological concerning a genetic renal disease or its impacts
  • The member of a paramedical team implicated in a project as described above

The project teams must work in a regional or academic hospital in Belgium.

The benefit of the work for the patients must be clearly described

The total budget for this research call is 10 000 euros.

The funding will be attributed to one project.

English will be the main language of communication.

The selection of the research teams to be funded will be done in two steps

1 –A letter of intent briefly describing the research’work (one A4 sheet) has to be sent to [email protected] by september 30 

A first selection will be made by the members of the AIRG scientific committee except those who responded to the call with their own work

The outcome of this first step will be notified to the applicants by october 31.

2 – The research teams who are selected after this first step, will be asked to provide a more detailed summary of their project (10 pages maximum), written in english, including team’s structure, recent publications if applicable and detailed budget.

A second selection will be made

The winner must commit to mention AIRG-Belgium on each publication or presentation of the study and will present his work on the occasion of the AIRG annual day.

Pr Nathalie Godefroid

President of the AIRG scientific committee

Pediatric nephrologist

Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc, UCLouvain

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